Stay Close to Your Activities

We’re checking back into Tall Chief more often because we now have flag football for our son every Saturday. We also try to stay here more then at Thunderbird because it’s closer to work for me. My commute from Thunderbird is about an hour and from Tall Chief it’s closer to 25 minutes. We’ll be here for three weeks so that we don’t have to move on Easter or my birthday like last year. 

This last move I didn’t have the kids in the truck to watch shows on my phone so I was able to do a time lapse of the main road we take. Next time I may try to do a time lapse looking back at the trailer for the entire route.

Feel free to visit us in site 181 as we love meeting new people or sharing our time with our existing friends and family. Plus its getting nicer out and we now have a pile of wood to burn thru.

About Jonathan

I am a Jesus lover and follower and always need to read more then I speak. I commute to a full-time stationary job to provide for my loving family. I've read, surfed and listened to more books, blogs, podcasts and videos in the last 10 years commuting on the bus then I have the rest of my life and enjoy what quiet time I get while someone else is driving. I've been diving into writing more and more and feel now, more then ever, is the time to share our experiences. I like to think I'm crafty when I get my tools out and change stuff into something more meaningful. You usually will not find me trying to improve on something unless I'm asleep. I enjoy the outdoors almost as much as I enjoy my family but enjoy sharing my faith with others more then anything. You may not understand my actions or words at times because my child like faith can sometimes be a little to much. Just know that I believe growth happens best when others tell it like it is and not how we want it so please offer your feedback where you would like. Speak Life, Because Hope Can Live or Die - TobyMac
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